速報APP / 天氣 / MSLP Viewer

MSLP Viewer





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本


MSLP Viewer(圖1)-速報App

MSLP Viewer allows you to view the latest UK Met Office Surface Pressure charts for Europe.

Charts are shown in the correct time sequence.

MSLP Viewer(圖2)-速報App

Charts are play as an animation allowing you to see the movement of the fronts and pressure systems over time.

Charts can be stepped through forward or backwards at your own pace to allow you sufficient time to understand the information.

MSLP Viewer(圖3)-速報App

You can zoom in and out so as to better view the chart on small devices or large devices.

Charts range in time series from the most recent surface observation to a forecast time that is either 84, 96 or 120 hours into the future. The longest range forecast available depends on the time of the day that you view the charts.

MSLP Viewer(圖4)-速報App